September’s Newsletter🍂

Sivan Kanthavel
4 min readOct 2, 2021


All About Me :

Hey! My name is Umasivan, but Sivan for short. I’m an innovate at a human accelerator program called TKS ( AKA The Knowledge Society). TKS is a program meant for people with life-changing dreams! My passion is to change the world as we know it when it comes to Environmental Pollution!!!

Photo by Ray Hennessy

Honestly, ever since I was young I was always into animals. I would call myself a HUGE animal fan. They were magnificent creatures that share Earth with us, and live their own beautiful lives. Some may live with their family while others start adventuring as the age comes. I’ve always found it so fascinating on how different they are from us, and not only do we have land roaming creatures, but we have also have amazingly beautiful creatures roaming the oceans. We have creatures as small as the humming bird to as big as blue whale. Fun Fact : We have only mapped 5% of the entire ocean🤯. IKR! Imagine all the creatures we have yet to see, deep down in the ocean. Its truly amazing to think about the co-existence of 8.7 million species living together on Earth.

Photo by Meritt Thomas

A few years back, our class talked about pollution and how it was effecting our environment. We never really went in-depth with it, so I never really figured it was anything serious. One day I happened to come across a project where my topic was ocean pollution.

On that day, I came to realize the major crimes we humans are commiting. Most of us, we don’t tend to realize on how big of a scale we are destroying the peace and nature surrounding us. Starting from over-hunting, to pollution, to deforestation, and last but not least to the EXTINCTION OF HUNDREDS OF SPECIES!!!

“We spend billions of dollars looking for life on other planets, and spend trillions of dollars killing this one”


**Side-Note : I’ve written an article on Medium talking more in-depth with climate change and pollution. Check it out if you are interested!!!

Then little by little, I did my best to bring awareness to this major issue, and to start finding a solution. But it then hit me, that before I try to convince my community / society, I should convince kids because they are going to be the next generation. So then I did presentations to my classmates, as well as the kids I was lunch monitoring. You would be surprised with their reaction as for they were speechless.

I found this company called OceanHero. They inspired me to show others really what we are doing to these creatures and how we are wiping them off our planet and an easy, free yet working method of using their browser to start helping them.

In the future, I really want to start a company that revolutionizes the way we talk about Environmental Clean Up!🤯🤯🤯


TKS Session ( I was very nervous 😅)

My experience at TKS has been AMAZING!!!!!!

I consider myself to be a HUGE introvert( I’m a defender personality type). I don’t like volunteering to putting myself out in-front of people I don’t know ( Especially if I'm being recorded and in-front of people I don’t know😂). I have my fair share of insecurities. When I was put on the spot for a presentation in one of the sessions, I pretty much freaked out😅. I had to present to not only people I've barely come to know, but also in-front of Directors and the Co-Founders of TKS😱!!!! It was one of my scariest moments, but also one of those moments I really had the chance to reflect on afterwards. The advice the directors and Co-founders gave me were really substantial. Now I look back at how pointlessly nervous I was, it only makes me laugh😄 .

Anyways, I will keep you guys up to date with my monthly newsletters! If you would like to get to know me better, I will list my socials down below.

Please Feel Free To Subscribe!

Thank you,


Email :

Medium : Sivan Kanthavel — Medium

LinkedIn : Umasivan Kanthavel | LinkedIn



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